Sol 272's (12 May) drive has positioned the rover just in front of its new drilling target dubbed Cumberland. The small bump covered 2.05m lasting 14 mins.
Sol 272 view front hazard camera shows the general view of the Cumberland workspace. John Klein is in the midground, left side. (NASA/JPL) |
Before this drive was accomplished, a flurry of science ops were done including MAHLI views of the John Klein workspace, APXS activity and some laser shots of targets by the ChemCam instrument. All these arm and remote sensing operations had to be squeezed into a work span of just 1 day; from sol 270 to 271. Sol 272 was dedicated to driving and assessment of the drive by engineering cameras. There might be another drive to better position the rover in front of Cumberland. But for the time being, we are here!
Sol 270 MAHLI view of the drill hole at John Klein. Notice the laser scorch marks made by ChemCam along the side of the hole facing the camera plus the white sliver of gypsum veins (NASA/JPL/MSSS) |
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